Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program
The O’ahu Coordinated Community Plan to
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded $75 million to end youth homelessness in 23 local communities across the country. Honolulu was awarded $3.8 million to collaboratively develop and implement a plan to respond to the needs of our homeless youth.
The goal of the YHDP is to support communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness, and then share that experience with communities around the country toward the same end. The population to be served by this demonstration program is youth experiencing homelessness, including unaccompanied and pregnant or parenting youth, where no member of the household is older than 24.
End Youth Homelessness
100% of proceeds go to supporting the O’ahu Youth Action Board (OYAB)
Members of Partners In Care and the O’ahu Youth Action Board have led the year long effort, in collaboration with over 30 of our partners, to gather community knowledge and cooperatively develop a detailed plan that will guide the evolution of our youth homelessness response system.
In April of 2020 Partners In Care submitted the final draft of the O’ahu Coordinated Community Plan to End Youth Homelessness to HUD. HUD approved the plan on May 4th, 2020.
There are no youth sleeping in tents on sidewalks or sleeping in parks on O’ahu. Youth are safe, have a roof over their head, and are not exposed to violence or exploration. If youth become homeless, it is a temporary situation because there is a well-run system in place to help them get out of homelessness- as soon as they are ready and want help.
OYAB makes sure that youth who are homeless, or who have experienced homelessness, are part of making decisions on things that impact us, including what services and supports should look like. The youth who serve on OYAB will respect that they have a responsibility to participate and make sure youth voices are loud and clear – with us not for us!
OYAB meetings typically happen on the last Wednesday of each month.
The OYAB meetings are for youth only and are intended to be a safe space for youth to speak on issues and policies without adult involvement.
O‘ahu Youth Action Board (OYAB)
The Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) requires the establishment of a Youth Action Board. The OYAB is an important way the community can leverage youth input in meaningful ongoing way. OYAB also empowers youth by providing opportunities for positive development, youth choice, confidence-building, and leadership.
The O‘ahu Youth Action Board was formed in March 2017 and is made up of members all of whom are age 29 or below and 100% of which have experienced homelessness/housing instability.
The youth come from different situations, experiences, and represent various sub-populations such as: Native Hawaiian, Micronesian, LGBTQ+, Former Military, Parenting, Working and Children of Homeless Families.
YHDP Dashboard
*click on the bottom right of dashboard to enlarge