Upcoming Events
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.
Planning & Housing Committee
The Planning and Housing Committee coordinates with the city on the annual McKinney-Vento/HEARTH Act homeless funding application and regularly updates Hawai‘i’s Plan to End Homelessness. It develops recommendations for funding priorities and strategies, and other cross-agency funding opportunities.